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Chia sẻ lisp in PDF từ AutoCAD 2022

Các bài được khuyến nghị

Vào lúc 3/3/2022 tại 23:27, nguyenhahuy đã nói:

(defun c:PrintPDF (popup20: popup_list{width = 20; fixed_width = true; alignment = left;}
popup24: popup_list{width = 24; fixed_width = true; alignment = left;}
popup30: popup_list{width = 30; fixed_width = true; alignment = left;}
popup35: popup_list{width = 35; fixed_width = true; alignment = left;}butt20 : button{width = 20; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered;}
imgbutt20 : image_button{fixed_width = true;fixed_height = true; width = 3.6;aspect_ratio = 1.0;alignment = centered;}
Plot:dialog{key ="dcl_title";width = 45; fixed_width = true;
: image{height = 0.15; fixed_height = true; width = 2.0; color = green;}
:column{width = 35;fixed_width = true;
:column{width = 12;fixed_width = true;
: text{label ="Plotter";height=1.1;}
: text{label ="Paper";height=1.1;}
: text{label ="Plotstyle";height=1.1;}
: text{label ="Block"; key ="S_MET";height=1.1;}
:column{width = 35;fixed_width = true;
:edit_box{alignment = left;key ="LiBLK";}
:column{width = 20;fixed_width = true;
:popup20{key="SORT";list ="L -> R , T -> B\nR -> L , B -> T\nT -> B , L -> R\nB -> T , R -> L\nSelected order";}
:popup20{key="SCA";list="Auto scale for metric\nFit to page\nCustom";}
:edit_box{alignment = left;edit_width = 5;key ="FuzzScale";}
:edit_box{alignment = left;edit_width = 5;label ="Scale 1/";key ="CUS-SCALE";}
: text{key = OUTFOL;label ="Path out flie ";}
:boxed_row{label="Options";width = 20;fixed_width = true;
:column{width = 5;fixed_width = true;
:row{:edit_box{alignment = left;edit_width = 5;fixed_width = true;key ="NCOPY";label ="Number copy:";}
:popup24{key="COLL";list ="Uncollated 1,1/2,2/3,3\nCollated 1,2,3/1,2,3";}
:popup24{key="ARO";list ="Auto rotation\nLandscape\nPortrait";}
: toggle{label ="Mark plotted";key ="MAR";}
: toggle{label ="Center plot";key ="CENTER_PL";}
: toggle{label ="Plot to file";key ="P2F";}
:row{:edit_box{alignment = left;edit_width =5;fixed_width = true;label ="X:";key ="X_ORIGIN";}
:edit_box{alignment = left;edit_width = 5;fixed_width = true;label ="Y:";key ="Y_ORIGIN";}
:row{:butt20{label ="Exit";key ="Exit";is_cancel = true;}
:butt20{label ="Select";key ="S_OBJ";}
:butt20{label ="Plot <ALL>";key ="Print";}
: image{height = 0.15; fixed_height = true; width = 2.0; color = green;}

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