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Bài đăng được đăng bởi MinhTri782015

  1. nhờ các bạn chỉ giúp, lỗi đoạn code, tại sao ko nhận hết dim, text, leader trong sset2 mà lúc được lúc ko, và có lúc chỉ nhận riêng từng đối tượng.


    Public Sub S1() 

    'chọn đối tượng block để lấy hệ số scalefactor
    Dim Object As AcadBlockReference
    Dim sset2 As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim a As Double
    Dim Ent As AcadEntity
    Dim P1 As AcadDimension
    Dim P4 As AcadLeader

    On Error Resume Next
    Set sset2 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ml2")
    For Each Object In sset2
    a = Object.XScaleFactor


    'chọn dim, text, leader để lấy theo giá trị của hệ số dimsclale


    Dim STRING1 As String
    Dim objdimstyle As AcadDimStyle
    'choose the dimstyle

    'CHOOSE the Mtext to changing height text
    Dim GpCode(5) As Integer
    Dim dataValue(5) As Variant

    GpCode(0) = -4: dataValue(0) = "<or"
    GpCode(1) = 0: dataValue(1) = "MTEXT"
    GpCode(2) = 0: dataValue(2) = "TEXT"
    GpCode(3) = 0: dataValue(3) = "DIMENSION"
    GpCode(4) = 0: dataValue(4) = "LEADER"

    GpCode(5) = -4: dataValue(5) = "or>"

    Dim sset21 As AcadSelectionSet
    On Error Resume Next
    Set sset21 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ml21")
    sset21.SelectOnScreen GpCode, dataValue
    On Error Resume Next
    MsgBox "So doi tuong duoc chon: " & SSetObj.Count

    For Each Ent In sset21
     Ent.Height = 2 * a

    STRING1 = "A3S " & a

    For Each objdimstyle In ThisDrawing.DimStyles
    If STRING1 = objdimstyle.Name Then

    For Each P1 In sset21
    P1.StyleName = STRING1


    For Each P4 In sset21
    P4.StyleName = STRING1
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Set objdimstyle = ThisDrawing.DimStyles.Add(STRING1)
    ThisDrawing.SetVariable "dimscale", a
    objdimstyle.CopyFrom ThisDrawing

    For Each P1 In sset21
    P1.StyleName = STRING1

    For Each P4 In sset21
    P4.StyleName = STRING1

    End Sub

  2. xin cac cao nhân chỉ giáo, sửa giúp cái code, tại sao nó chỉ chọn một là dim hai là text. mà ko thay đổi tất cả trong cùng một selectionset


    Public Sub S1() 'chosing the dimstyle follow the frame block

    'choose the frame block to use the scale factor

    Dim Object As AcadBlockReference

    Dim sset2 As AcadSelectionSet

    Dim a As Double

    Dim Ent As AcadEntity

    Dim P1 As AcadDimension

    Dim P4 As AcadLeader


    On Error Resume Next


    Set sset2 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ml2")


    For Each Object In sset2

    a = Object.XScaleFactor



    Dim string1 As String

    Dim objdimstyle As AcadDimStyle

    'choose the dimstyle


    'CHOOSE the Mtext to changing height text

    Dim GpCode(5) As Integer

    Dim dataValue(5) As Variant


    GpCode(0) = -4: dataValue(0) = "<or"

    GpCode(1) = 0: dataValue(1) = "MTEXT"

    GpCode(2) = 0: dataValue(2) = "TEXT"

    GpCode(3) = 0: dataValue(3) = "DIMENSION"

    GpCode(4) = 0: dataValue(4) = "LEADER"


    GpCode(5) = -4: dataValue(5) = "or>"


    Dim sset21 As AcadSelectionSet

    On Error Resume Next


    Set sset21 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ml21")

    sset21.SelectOnScreen GpCode, dataValue


    On Error Resume Next


    For Each Ent In sset21

     Ent.Height = 2 * a



    string1 = "A3S " & a


    For Each objdimstyle In ThisDrawing.DimStyles

    If string1 = objdimstyle.Name Then



    'ThisDrawing.ActiveDimStyle = ThisDrawing.DimStyles(string1)


    For Each P1 In sset21

    P1.StyleName = string1




    For Each P4 In sset21

    P4.StyleName = string1


    Exit Sub

    End If


    Set objdimstyle = ThisDrawing.DimStyles.Add(string1)

    ThisDrawing.SetVariable "dimscale", a

    objdimstyle.CopyFrom ThisDrawing

    'ThisDrawing.ActiveDimStyle = ThisDrawing.DimStyles(string1)


    For Each P1 In sset21

    P1.StyleName = string1



    For Each P4 In sset21

    P4.StyleName = string1



    End Sub
